...as Dean and I celebrated 12 years of marraige today, I found myself reading last year's blogs. Blogs about selling our home in McHenry and living in a 2 bedroom apartment with the unknown looming in front of us. To look back to last summer and to see where we are now is to see how truly we have been blessed. Our home sold just in time to get us into our new home a week before Sam and Elle started school. Within this year, we have had a blast redecorating our new pad (mostly just new paint with some other fun projects), the kids got completely settled into their new school and have made some wonderful friends, Dean and I have made some great friends as well, we have gotten highly involved in our new church, we obtained a new pet for the family, and we learned how to downhill ski! It just amazes me as each year passes how quickly the time flies and yet so much seems to happen in that year. Just goes to prove, never take life for granted, and always have faith that everything happens for a reason. We still can't believe we are actually living here!
To highlight the "should have been written but never were" blogs of summer thus far:
*Friends from IL visited. We had such a great time with them. I actually went through a day of withdrawl after they left.
*The kids attended "College for Kids" at the local university. Fun for them, lots of carpooling for me.
*Renovations continue as the wall is torn down, the fireplace is installed and we are awaiting the stone for the fireplace.
*The fourth of July found us in Tomahawk visitng our friends' family's house on the lake. Pontoon boating all day, sunburns all-around, and water-skiing for the kids (even Jack!!) The day ended with fireworks on the lake and sleeping children in the boat :o) What a perfect day!
*Elle has begun her birthday celebrations...can you believe she is almost 6!! I certainly can't. We had our family party with Caroline and Elle sharing their July birthday celebration (as pictured above).
Last summer we had no friends and didn't know what to do with ourselves all day long. This summer we are so busy I can't even get the laundry done. It's a great feeling to be settled. It's great to feel so at home. Life is good.
To highlight the "should have been written but never were" blogs of summer thus far:
*Friends from IL visited. We had such a great time with them. I actually went through a day of withdrawl after they left.
*The kids attended "College for Kids" at the local university. Fun for them, lots of carpooling for me.
*Renovations continue as the wall is torn down, the fireplace is installed and we are awaiting the stone for the fireplace.
*The fourth of July found us in Tomahawk visitng our friends' family's house on the lake. Pontoon boating all day, sunburns all-around, and water-skiing for the kids (even Jack!!) The day ended with fireworks on the lake and sleeping children in the boat :o) What a perfect day!
*Elle has begun her birthday celebrations...can you believe she is almost 6!! I certainly can't. We had our family party with Caroline and Elle sharing their July birthday celebration (as pictured above).
Last summer we had no friends and didn't know what to do with ourselves all day long. This summer we are so busy I can't even get the laundry done. It's a great feeling to be settled. It's great to feel so at home. Life is good.
life IS good!
Congrats on 12 years! :)
So glad you are having a crazy, fun summer!
12 years!~ woo-hoo - we are 13 this year! crazy isnt it????
Tell that sweet girl of yours that she looks beautiful.
We walked by your house the other day. Still really can not believe you were not inside. Aidan kept saying "Where ARE they?"
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