Since moving to Wausau, we have discovered the many different facets to living in central Wisconsin. Although we love it here, we also dearly miss all of our friends and family from out of state. Therefore, we love visitors!! And when our friends visit, we like to share all of our favorite pieces of Wausau with them. Having just had another great summer weekend with beloved visitors, I have been contemplating all the actvities we have shared so far....in hopes of maybe enticing (sp?) more of our missed friends to come visit!!
Here is my list of the top 10 things we like to do when people spend a weekend at the TreeHouse:
10) Fun in the Tub. The hot tub, that is. And that's mostly a kid activity :o)
9) Watch the National Kayak Races! That's right, the nationals take place right here in our city.
8) Listen to a Concert in the Clouds. 4 times a summer, there are free concerts on the top of Rib Mountain. We haven't gone to one with guests yet, but it's only cuz we haven't had any on those weekends.
7) Listen to a Concert in the Park. Also a free concert, but located in historic downtown Wausau's central park square. Those of you who know and love Ravinia will find this very fun.
6) Sam's Pizza. A hometown favorite. We love taking visitors here. Parents eat while kids play!
5) Eat at our newest restaurant, The Red Eye Brewery. Urban atmosphere. Urban food. Very green and very delicious. Unlike any other restaurant in Wausau. Much like most restaurants in Chicago :o)
4) Go mountain biking. I've never done this but Dean has gone several times with Sam and various other guys. Everyone who goes just loves it.
3) Walk up to the top of Rib Mountain. This hike is great excersise, and quite scenic for the outdoorsy type. Dogs are welcome on this excursion! (as seen in above picture, taken just this weekend on our hike up the mountain!)
2) Visit the top of Rib Mountain (by car). A fun place to see the whole city from 1000 feet up. A fun place for kids to climb on the glacier rocks while the moms freak out that the kids are going to fall and crack their skull. (it's never happened, thank goodness!) For those who really love heights, you can climb 4 stories higher up the tower to really see central WI for miles and miles.
And our most favorite thing to do with our many guests........
1) Downhill skiing!!
(note on pic of Jack sleeping...the kid sleeps in the strangest places....I just had to share this pic taken by Cari this weekend....)