Thursday, September 13, 2007

First Day of School

Easily, the weirdest thing I have done since moving back to my hometown was sending my children off to school.
Renting an Apartment = Not weird, not fun, but not weird.
Buying a house = Not weird.
Changing Churches = Not weird.
Buying a Tahoe = Not weird.
Sending children to their cousin's grade school = VERY WEIRD.
We had attended many a function at this grade school while visiting my family. All of a sudden, I am walking down the hallway to see Sam and Elle's names by their coat hook on the wall. Strange. I couldn't believe they were going to go to this school now!
So the first day of school went without a hitch for the kids. I, on the other hand, did not do so well. I kept it together in front of the kids, but the minute I turned around to leave them, I started bawling. I think it was a lot of things. Moving into the house so recently, everything was different and now it was different for the kids too, Elle going to school all day long (yes, all day kindergarten) AND she's a young 5 year old who didn't have the pre-K experience all the others in her class had. Not only did I cry, but I continued to cry for 45 minutes after I got home!! Poor Jack, stuck with his sappy mother all morning long.
On his first day of preschool, Jack wanted to know if I was going to cry again. I asked him if he wanted me to, he said NO, and so I told him I wouldn't cry. I didn't. I went shopping instead :o) Alone :o)

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