Friday, February 20, 2009


Still no pics. Sorry.

I've worked the last 3 days in a row. In.A.Row being the key words. I haven't worked that much without a day off since Sam was born. I'm not trying to sound like a whiner. I actually feel very blessed to have been able to work that much this week. It's just a transition. It's a mental thing. When I first started subbing this year, working all day long was difficult for me. I liked the half days (still do, come to think of it) But I'm finding it interesting that as the year progresses, and I'm getting used to being a substitute teacher, reading lesson plans, walking into unknown territory, and finding my groove as a teacher again, that working all day long isn't so bad. And now I've embarked on my first week of working many days in a row. I'm so thankful to be able to contribute for the family, and I think subbing has been my gradual welcome back into the work force. Gradual being the key word this time. If I went from staying home full time to working full time, I think I would have had some sort of break down. But this gradual thing seems to be working for me. It's all good.

So as I ramble, I should tell you that today I was Sam's teacher :o) All I want to say is that when I see other children, specifically boys, his age, I am so THANKFUL that Sam is the child coming home with me! Substitute teaching has taught me to truly appreciate my own children and what a blessing they are. And having the opportunity to be in their class makes it all the more apparent that I really do have good kids :o)

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