Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today is the first day of spring and we still have 2 feet of snow on the ground with more in the forecast. The high temp in March was a whopping 42 degrees. But that is for another blog.

I turned 29 again this month and I missed it. Instead of going out to lunch, hanging with my family, eating birthday cake, and going out to dinner, I spent the day in bed and at the walk-in clinic. Being diagnosed with influenza A on your birthday is NOT the way you want to celebrate. (As I sit down with the receptionist at the walk-in to register, she asks me when my birthday is. I reply through a cough and a moan "today", she says "oh, I'm sooo sorry") My fever spiked that night to a mere 103 degrees. Elle made me the cutest "pop-out" birthday card and it was the highlight of my day. I cried. The other small highlight for me was the small box of Godiva chocolates I recieved from a friend. I laid in my bed upstairs and ate most of them (one is not nauseous with the influenza, thank goodness).

This wonderful flu lasted a good 4-5 days with fever, lovingly spread to Sam and Elle, and then most graciously turned into pneumonia. I have literally been sick the entire month of March. As I mentioned earlier, I missed it.

If I have learned anything from this experience, it is this. Get the Flu Shot.

And now for you, Spring. It is time to COME UP THIS WAY! If you need directions, Dean has a GPS. I'm sure he'd share it with you, although it's his favorite toy, so he'd need it back. Just COME, Spring. Please....we need you!!!!


Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Ok, I get the "butt" award.

I check your blog all the time - think of you all the time and FORGOT your birthday. - Of all the ones to forget - your first in a new place and your 29th :)
I am so sorry - I am going to get Aidan down and try to call before LOST.

The Williams in Africa said...

What a bummer of a Birthday, glad you are still enjoying your 20's!

wanda said...

dean and sarah- I love to hear about your family and what they are doing. Your dog is adorable!!!!!