Our rivers are not wild (really) but they are beautiful and so close to home. When we moved up here, we had no idea how much we would love all the nature. We are discovering that not only do we love what winter has to offer, but we are also loving summer for the rivers and lakes that run through our town. Last summer, we bought a used canoe. This summer, we added a kayak. This past weekend, we enjoyed both!
We had some great friends visit us for the weekend, and between meals and catching up on each other's lives, we hiked our mountain all the way to the top, and spent all of Sunday afternoon on the Big Rib River. Our friends brought their own canoe, and we borrowed another kayak, so between the 2 families, we had enough space for all members to be on the river together.
Most of the 4 hour trip, Sam manuevered the kayak all by himself...under fallen trees, scooching across shallow parts,and finding his way between logs. He was a natural. In the meantime, Dean was the captain of our little ship while I sat in the front of the canoe and Elle and Jack rode middle. I like to do that I have termed "Princess Canoeing". You know...I sit in the front and..well..sit. I help out Dean when he needs it, and we actually make a really good team. But then I go back to, well, sitting. It works for us. Dean doesn't mind at all. He's just happy I'm there :o)
After about 3 hours, Sam was tired of kayaking. Who could blame him? So I offered to kayak the rest of the trip. I had never sat in a kayak before, much more been in charge of my own trip down a river. But I liked it. Until the very end. I always get a little "buggy" while on a river. After 2-3 hours, I just need it to end. I feel as though the Twighlight Zone is upon me and I'm never going to get off of the winding river that doesn't seem to end. And there I sat, in a kayak, by myself, with no one to get me back but myself. The last 30 minutes was tough, but it was more mental than physical. I've always told Dean he needs to find me a river route that is no longer than 2 hours. That would be my perfect adventure.
The kids' favorite part of the river trip is getting out and playing in the river. They were finding beautiful, big healthy mussels all over the place. Some mussels even came home with us (yeah for us!) They also found a rare soft-shelled turtle, and lots of polliwogs. Sometimes they just like to get out of the canoe and walk down the river with us. They truly love it. And of course, Jack fell asleep in the canoe. I couldn't get a picture of it, but I would have if I could have!
I should also mention Dean. He has been kayaking several times already this summer, to include a moonlight adventure. He and our friend went out Saturday night at 10pm and did not return until 2:30am! According to them, it's a lot easier in the daylight. Go figure :o)