Simply stated: Jack is my sidekick. He is my last child home during the day and he knows how to hang with his momma! I'm really going to miss him next year when he is in Kindergarten all day long. All of that said, I have more pictures of him simply because he is the kid I see the most! And that is why most of these are of my little sidekick. Speaking of little...the kid does not nap anymore. Or so he would say. But he obviously still needs one, and will take a nap when he can get it, wherever he happens to be at the time. This usually happens around 4:00pm, and he can easily crash until I wake him around 5:00-5:30. (and yes! he still goes to bed at 8:00pm!!) So the pic of him sleeping on the counter is real. He is sound asleep!!
Recitals: Sam and Elle are on their 2nd year of piano lessons, and the pic of them is at their spring piano recital. They did great! It does their music teacher mother's heart proud to see them learning how to read music and play the piano :o)