I apologize if you are sick of reading blogs about the renovations to my house, but since it's
my blog filled with stories from
my life, I guess you must just deal with it.
Truthfully, house projects are all that's been happening in my life lately...so read on.
Yes, it is finally feeling like
my house. How can that be, you may wonder?? It's true, I've been painting rooms of the house all year long...whittling away at the pink, mauve, peach, navy, more pink, darker mauve and even the IrishSpring Green walls that greeted us here when we moved in. BUT our main living area (kitchen and fireplace room) have remained pink (i.e. UGLY) until now. With the take down of some walls, the gutting of a fireplace, and now new paint in all the rooms, I can finally feel at home in my kitchen and new great room! I literally spent all weekend painting the kitchen, and it was so worth it. It's definately not a "Joel line" across the ceiling, but I don't know if anyone can ever match that. It still looks good enough for me, and I'm the one that lives here :o)
SO...this is my last housing post until the big post coming August 12...Befores and Afters of the whole shootin' match! You seriously won't believe it's the same house!!!!