disclaimer: proud mother is about to brag.....
SO...this is the first time in 7 years that I have been in charge of a Christmas music program. Although I am not a real music teacher yet, I was asked to take charge of teaching the 1st-8th graders the music for the church's Christmas Musical. Now, this isn't just any old production. We rehearsed most Sunday afternoons since October, had a full set of actors, soloists, scenery and props. To say I was stressed out about this production is an understatement, but that is not why I write this blog.
I write to you now to say that for the first time ever, I was able to direct a program with my own children involved. I'm used to watching everyone else's kids following my lead, but to look in the faces of the choir and see my own angel faces singing back just warmed my heart. AND...the cherry on the top...Elle was given a solo!! (NO..I did not have anything to do with that...I swear!) She was so cute and sang so perfectly in pitch, it was all I could do to keep the lump in my throat from taking over my directing abilities. To top it off...she
loved the microphone. The audience of 500 did not phase her one bit, not either of the 2 nights we performed it. Sam also played the part of Jospeh (non-speaking role) and he also said a bible verse on microphone. Jack was in the preschool choir, and the cutest boy up there :o)
So I share with you now, a short 3 minute version of each child doing their role. As an unbiased blog writer (yeah, right) I recommend you take a minute to watch the Apples of my Eye :o)
http://www.viddler.com/explore/RogerB1/videos/8/Just click on the above link and it will take you to the video!